
  • My husband named this quilt Dazzle as he said it reminded him of Dazzle Camouflage.  I had no idea there was such a thing, but apparently in WW1 (and to a lessor extent in WW2), it was used to confuse the enemy and make it difficult to estimate a target's range, speed and heading, rather than to conceal.  (thanks to Wikipedia!) There is nothing concealing about this quilt.  It is bright and dazzling (like that?) and a perfect masculine quilt.  A good size for a twin bed, or as a snuggle quilt.
  • I never used to like brown but over the years have seen some really stunning brown colours (all under the blurky banner of brown).  There are lots of different shades and colours in this quilt.  Not pretty at all, but stunning in its own way.


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